

IR200 shipborne uncooled photoelectric search and monitoring system

PRODUCT > Photoelectric system > IR200 shipborne uncooled photoelectric search and monitoring system

IR200 shipborne uncooled photoelectric search and monitoring system

Marine photoelectric tracking and monitoring forensics system, mainly used for detecting, tracking, monitoring and recording of maritime, land or aerial targets

阿荣旗| 丽水市| 时尚| 正宁县| 威信县| 丘北县| 修水县| 太湖县| 清苑县| 邳州市| 汾西县| 越西县| 秦安县| 修文县| 乐至县| 垣曲县| 长治市| 馆陶县| 花垣县| 肃南| 永年县| 花莲县| 固镇县| 岫岩| 通化县| 沐川县| 安西县| 柏乡县| 武安市| 东乡| 什邡市| 安西县| 临清市| 南城县| 贵港市| 上饶市| 荥阳市| 卢湾区| 平泉县| 营山县| 盐津县|