

The theft of a community in Tianjin is zero, only because of the infrared thermal imaging monitoring system.

Column:Infrared Time:2019-05-22

It was learned from the Tianjin Binhai New Area Public Security Bureau Eco-city Branch that due to the promotion of the popularization of the community card and video surveillance networking system, the number of 19 districts under the jurisdiction of the bureau last year was zero.

It is understood that there are 19 residential communities in the eco-city, with tens of thousands of residents. Each community implements a card system. The personal information such as the name and address of the resident is stored in the chip. The card enters the community and the card is used to take the elevator. In terms of video surveillance, the Public Security Eco-city Branch is promoting the sharing of video surveillance with the society, and the public security department monitoring system. Networking with social monitoring systems such as communities and schools to achieve comprehensive monitoring of the access and access walls of the community. Two measures have prevented criminals from entering the residential areas to carry out the theft.

The staff introduced two rows of monitoring screens in the underground monitoring and control room of the community. It can observe the situation of each channel in the community. In addition to the camera with important channels, even the wall is equipped with an infrared thermal image monitoring system to prevent people from entering the wall. Moreover, the cell monitoring system is networked with the branch office, shares resources, and monitors cell security in real time. In addition, the community implements the card system, and the card-free outsiders must make an appointment. The door security guard informs the property service center. The service center staff contacts the owner. After obtaining the confirmation, the AB card is released to the visitor to accurately record the visitor's stay time.

According to the person in charge of the headquarters of the Public Security Eco-city Branch, the number of cases of burglary in 19 residential communities in the Eco-City last year was zero. The valuable experience of the EcoCity Branch has led to other places to come to "learn".

Why is the infrared monitoring system more powerful than ordinary monitoring equipment?

The infrared monitoring system is a new solution for the security field. Based on the most advanced infrared imaging technology, many advanced security technologies are integrated into the infrared camera, which can obtain traditional surveillance video in a completely dull environment. Obtaining a clear infrared image without generating an active light source is beyond the reach of traditional surveillance equipment.

At the same time, the infrared monitoring system can also implement hotspot tracking, motion detection, and cross-border alarms. In addition, the wide viewing angle and long range of distance can also help solve these problems.

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